The glm() function in R can be used to fit generalized linear models. This function…
Regression in R
The Bayesian Information Criterion, often abbreviated BIC, is a metric that is used to compare…
RRegression in RSoftware Tutorials
How to Calculate AIC in R (Including Examples)
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanThe Akaike information criterion (AIC) is a metric that is used to compare the fit…
In regression analysis, Mallows’ Cp is a metric that is used to pick the best…
RRegression in RSoftware Tutorials
How to Interpret Pr(>|t|) in Regression Model Output in R
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanWhenever you perform linear regression in R, the output of your regression model will be…
RRegression in RSoftware Tutorials
How to Plot a Polynomial Regression Curve in R
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanPolynomial regression is a regression technique we use when the relationship between a predictor variable…
Linear regression models are used to describe the relationship between one or more predictor variables…
RRegression in RSoftware Tutorials
How to Perform a Breusch-Godfrey Test in R
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanOne of the key assumptions in linear regression is that there is no correlation between…
RRegression in RSoftware Tutorials
How to Perform Robust Regression in R (Step-by-Step)
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanRobust regression is a method we can use as an alternative to ordinary least squares…
RRegression in RSoftware Tutorials
How to Predict a Single Value Using a Regression Model in R
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanTo fit a linear regression model in R, we can use the lm() function, which…