You can use the following formulas to use an IF function with text values in…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
Excel: How to Use Greater Than or Equal to in IF Function
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanIn Excel, you can use the >= operator to check if a value in a…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
Excel: How to Use IF Function with Multiple Conditions
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanYou can use the following formulas to create an IF function with multiple conditions in…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
How to Convert Date of Birth to Age in Excel (With Examples)
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanYou can use the following formulas to convert date of birth to age in Excel:…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
Excel: How to Highlight Entire Row Based on Cell Value
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanOften you may want to highlight an entire row in Excel based on a given…
ExcelSoftware TutorialsVisualizations in Excel
How to Add Target Line to Graph in Excel
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanOccasionally you may want to add a target line to a graph in Excel to…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
Excel: How to Use IF Function with Negative Numbers
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanYou can use the following formulas to use an IF function with negative numbers in…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
How to Search for Special Characters in a Cell in Excel
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanYou can use the following formula to check if a given cell in Excel contains…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
How to Search for a Question Mark in Excel
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanYou can use the following formula to check if a given cell in Excel contains…
ExcelOperations in ExcelSoftware Tutorials
How to Search for an Asterisk in a Cell in Excel
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanYou can use the following formula to check if a given cell in Excel contains…
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