You can use PROC TRANSPOSE in SAS to quickly transpose a dataset from a long format to a wide format.
This function uses the following basic syntax:
proc transpose data=long_data out=wide_data;
by var1;
id var2;
var var3;
- by: The variable to place along the rows
- id: The variable to place along the columns
- var: The variable whose values are placed within the dataset
The following example shows how to use PROC TRANSPOSE in practice.
Example: How to Use PROC TRANSPOSE in SAS
Suppose we have the following dataset in a long format in SAS:
/*create dataset in long format*/
data long_data;
input team $ variable $ value;
A Points 88
A Assists 12
A Rebounds 22
B Points 91
B Assists 17
B Rebounds 28
C Points 99
C Assists 24
C Rebounds 30
D Points 94
D Assists 28
D Rebounds 31
/*view dataset*/
proc print data=long_data;
We can use PROC TRANSPOSE to convert this dataset from a long format to a wide format:
/*create new dataset in wide format*/
proc transpose data=long_data out=wide_data;
by team;
id variable;
var value;
/*view wide data*/
proc print data=wide_data;
Notice that this dataset contains the same information as the previous dataset, but it’s simply displayed in a wide format.
By default, SAS creates a _NAME_ variable that shows which variable is used for the values in the dataset.
Feel free to use the DROP statement to drop this variable when using PROC TRANSPOSE:
/*create new dataset in wide format*/
proc transpose data=long_data out=wide_data(drop=_name_);
by team;
id variable;
var value;
/*view wide data*/
proc print data=wide_data;
Notice that the _NAME_ variable has been dropped from the dataset.
Additional Resources
The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in SAS:
How to Use Proc Summary in SAS
How to Use Proc Tabulate in SAS
How to Create Frequency Tables in SAS