Often you may want to replace missing values in a SAS dataset with zeros.
Fortunately this is easy to do using a simple if then statement.
The following examples show how to replace missing values with zeros in practice.
Example 1: Replace Missing Values in All Columns
Suppose we have the following dataset in SAS with three columns, each with some missing values:
/*create dataset*/ data my_data; input x y z; datalines; 1 . 76 2 3 . 2 3 85 4 5 88 2 2 . 1 2 69 5 . 94 4 1 . . . 88 4 3 92 ; run; /*view dataset*/ proc print data=my_data;
We can use the following code to replace the missing values with zeros in every column of the dataset:
/*create new dataset with missing values replaced by zero*/
data my_data_new;
set my_data;
array variablesOfInterest _numeric_;
do over variablesOfInterest;
if variablesOfInterest=. then variablesOfInterest=0;
/*view new dataset*/
proc print data=my_data_new;
Notice that the missing values in each column have been replaced with zeros.
Note: The argument _numeric_ tells SAS to replace the missing values with zeros in every numeric column in the dataset.
Example 2: Replace Missing Values in Specific Column
Once again suppose we have the following dataset in SAS with three columns, each with some missing values:
/*create dataset*/ data my_data; input x y z; datalines; 1 . 76 2 3 . 2 3 85 4 5 88 2 2 . 1 2 69 5 . 94 4 1 . . . 88 4 3 92 ; run; /*view dataset*/ proc print data=my_data;
We can use the following code to replace the missing values with zeros in only the “y” column of the dataset:
/*create new dataset with missing values in "y" column replaced by zero*/
data my_data_new;
set my_data;
array variablesOfInterest y;
do over variablesOfInterest;
if variablesOfInterest=. then variablesOfInterest=0;
/*view new dataset*/
proc print data=my_data_new;
Notice that only the missing values in the “y” column have been replaced with zeros.
Additional Resources
The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in SAS:
How to Normalize Data in SAS
How to Remove Duplicates in SAS
How to Use Proc Summary in SAS
How to Select Observations Which are Not Null in SAS