Home » Pandas: How to Represent value_counts as Percentage

Pandas: How to Represent value_counts as Percentage

by Erma Khan

You can use the value_counts() function in pandas to count the occurrences of values in a given column of a DataFrame.

To represent the values as percentages, you can use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Represent Value Counts as Percentages (Formatted as Decimals)


Method 2: Represent Value Counts as Percentages (Formatted with Percent Symbols)

df.my_col.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(1).astype(str) + '%'

Method 3: Represent Value Counts as Percentages (Along with Counts)

counts = df.my_col.value_counts()
percs = df.my_col.value_counts(normalize=True)
pd.concat([counts,percs], axis=1, keys=['count', 'percentage'])

The following examples show how to use each method in practice with the following pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'team': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C'],
                   'points': [15, 12, 18, 20, 22, 28, 35, 40]})

#view DataFrame

  team  points
0    A      15
1    A      12
2    B      18
3    B      20
4    B      22
5    B      28
6    B      35
7    C      40

Example 1: Represent Value Counts as Percentages (Formatted as Decimals)

The following code shows how to count the occurrence of each value in the team column and represent the occurrences as a percentage of the total, formatted as a decimal:

#count occurrence of each value in 'team' column as percentage of total

B    0.625
A    0.250
C    0.125
Name: team, dtype: float64

From the output we can see:

  • The value B represents 62.5% of the occurrences in the team column.
  • The value A represents 25% of the occurrences in the team column.
  • The value C represents 12.5% of the occurrences in the team column.

Notice that the percentages are formatted as decimals.

Example 2: Represent Value Counts as Percentages (Formatted with Percent Symbols)

The following code shows how to count the occurrence of each value in the team column and represent the occurrences as a percentage of the total, formatted with percent symbols:

#count occurrence of each value in 'team' column as percentage of total
df.team.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(1).astype(str) + '%'

B    62.5%
A    25.0%
C    12.5%
Name: team, dtype: object

Notice that the percentages are formatted as strings with percent symbols.

Example 3: Represent Value Counts as Percentages (Along with Counts)

The following code shows how to count the occurrence of each value in the team column and represent the occurrences as both counts and percentages:

#count occurrence of each value in 'team' column
counts = df.team.value_counts()

#count occurrence of each value in 'team' column as percentage of total 
percs = df.team.value_counts(normalize=True)

#concatenate results into one DataFrame
pd.concat([counts,percs], axis=1, keys=['count', 'percentage'])

        count	percentage
B	5	0.625
A	2	0.250
C	1	0.125

Notice that the count column displays the count of each unique value in the team column while the percentage column displays each unique value as a percentage of the total occurrences.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in pandas:

Pandas: How to Plot Value Counts
Pandas: How to Use GroupBy and Value Counts
Pandas: How to Plot Histograms by Group

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