You can use the following methods to select columns by name in a pandas DataFrame:
Method 1: Select One Column by Name
df.loc[:, 'column1']
Method 2: Select Multiple Columns by Name
df.loc[:, ['column1', 'column3', 'column4']]
Method 3: Select Columns in Range by Name
df.loc[:, 'column2':'column4']
The following examples show how to use each of these methods in practice with the following pandas DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
#create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'mavs': [10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 22, 27],
'cavs': [18, 22, 19, 14, 14, 11, 20],
'hornets': [5, 7, 7, 9, 12, 9, 14],
'spurs': [10, 12, 14, 13, 13, 19, 22],
'nets': [10, 14, 25, 22, 25, 17, 12]})
#view DataFrame
mavs cavs hornets spurs nets
0 10 18 5 10 10
1 12 22 7 12 14
2 14 19 7 14 25
3 15 14 9 13 22
4 19 14 12 13 25
5 22 11 9 19 17
6 27 20 14 22 12
Example 1: Select One Column by Name
The following code shows how to select the ‘spurs’ column in the DataFrame:
#select column with name 'spurs'
df.loc[:, 'spurs']
0 10
1 12
2 14
3 13
4 13
5 19
6 22
Name: spurs, dtype: int64
Only the values from the ‘spurs’ column are returned.
Example 2: Select Multiple Columns by Name
The following code shows how to select the cavs, spurs, and nets columns in the DataFrame:
#select columns with names cavs, spurs, and nets
df.loc[:, ['cavs', 'spurs', 'nets']]
cavs spurs nets
0 18 10 10
1 22 12 14
2 19 14 25
3 14 13 22
4 14 13 25
5 11 19 17
6 20 22 12
Only the values from the cavs, spurs, and nets columns are returned.
Example 3: Select Columns in Range by Name
The following code shows how to select all columns between the names ‘hornets’ and ‘nets’ in the DataFrame:
#select all columns between hornets and nets
df.loc[:, 'hornets':'nets']
hornets spurs nets
0 5 10 10
1 7 12 14
2 7 14 25
3 9 13 22
4 12 13 25
5 9 19 17
6 14 22 12
All of the columns between the names ‘hornets’ and ‘nets’ are returned.
Additional Resources
The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in pandas:
Pandas: How to Move Column to Front of DataFrame
Pandas: How to Check if Column Contains String
Pandas: How to Add Empty Column to DataFrame (3 Examples)