Home » How to Use Index in Pandas Plot (With Examples)

How to Use Index in Pandas Plot (With Examples)

by Erma Khan

You can use one of the following methods to use the values in the index of a pandas DataFrame as the x-axis values in a plot:

Method 1: Use plot()


If you don’t specify a variable to use for the x-axis then pandas will use the index values by default.

Method 2: Use plot() with use_index=True

df.plot(y='my_column', use_index=True)

The use_index=True argument explicitly tells pandas to use the index values for the x-axis.

Both of these methods will produce the same result.

The following examples show how to use each method in practice with the following pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#create DatFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'sales': [8, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 22, 26, 25, 22]},
                   index=pd.date_range('1/1/2020', periods=10, freq='m'))

#view DataFrame

2020-01-31      8
2020-02-29      8
2020-03-31      9
2020-04-30     12
2020-05-31     13
2020-06-30     14
2020-07-31     22
2020-08-31     26
2020-09-30     25
2020-10-31     22

Example 1: Use plot()

The following code shows how to use the plot() function in pandas to create a line chart that uses the index values in the DataFrame as the x-axis and the values in the sales column as the y-axis values:

#create line chart and use index values as x-axis values

pandas use index as x-axis values in plot

Notice that the plot automatically uses the dates in the index of the DataFrame as the values on the x-axis of the line chart.

Since we didn’t specify a variable to use on the x-axis, pandas used the index values by default.

Example 2: Use plot() with use_index=True

The following code shows how to use the plot() function with the argument use_index=True to create a line chart that uses the index values in the DataFrame as the x-axis and the values in the sales column as the y-axis values:

#create line chart and use index values as x-axis values
df.plot(y='sales', use_index=True)

pandas use index as x-axis values in plot

Once again the plot uses the dates in the index of the DataFrame as the values on the x-axis of the line chart.

Notice that this chart matches the previous chart.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in pandas:

Pandas: How to Add Titles to Plots
Pandas: How to Create Plot Legends
Pandas: How to Create Bar Plot from GroupBy

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