One of the most common problems that you’ll encounter in machine learning is multicollinearity. This…
Machine Learning Tutorials
Dimension Reduction in Machine LearningMachine Learning Tutorials
An Introduction to Principal Components Regression
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanOne of the most common problems that you’ll encounter when building models is multicollinearity. This…
Machine Learning TutorialsRegularization in Machine Learning
Introduction to Lasso Regression
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanIn ordinary multiple linear regression, we use a set of p predictor variables and a response…
Machine Learning TutorialsRegularization in Machine Learning
Introduction to Ridge Regression
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanIn ordinary multiple linear regression, we use a set of p predictor variables and a response…
Machine Learning TutorialsModel Selection in Machine Learning
What is Stepwise Selection? (Explanation & Examples)
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanIn the field of machine learning, our goal is to build a model that can…
Machine Learning TutorialsModel Selection in Machine Learning
Best Subset Selection in Machine Learning (Explanation & Examples)
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanIn the field of machine learning, we’re often interested in building models using a set…
How to Assess Model Fit in Machine LearningMachine Learning Tutorials
What is Overfitting in Machine Learning? (Explanation & Examples)
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanIn the field of machine learning, we often build models so that we can make…
How to Assess Model Fit in Machine LearningMachine Learning Tutorials
An Easy Guide to K-Fold Cross-Validation
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanTo evaluate the performance of some model on a dataset, we need to measure how…
Classification in Machine LearningMachine Learning Tutorials
Introduction to Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanWhen we have a set of predictor variables and we’d like to classify a response…
Classification in Machine LearningMachine Learning Tutorials
Introduction to Linear Discriminant Analysis
by Erma Khanby Erma KhanWhen we have a set of predictor variables and we’d like to classify a response…